Saturday, December 19, 2009

lama btl

lame btl x update blog nih...eceh..pdhal br 2 mggu...

sebaek je pindah dr utp..esoknye ak terus berangkat ke johor...melawat kg halaman yg dah lama ak tinggal...

2 mggu kat cni....takde la kemana pon ak berjlan...
selain round2 bt pahat neh..
ade jugak ak ke muar, n jb...

tak byk sgt yg berubh...

pastu..sempat jugak ak ke melaka.,..menziarah si dayah...rumet ak selama 4 taun yg tak penah skali pon ak ke umh dia...
alang2 dah kat jhr nih...ak pegi le...pasni tak tau la bile plak nak pegi...

esok...akn balik ke kedah..tak sabar lak rasa..
kakak ak pon akan balik...
n yg paling penting...nak jumpa best fren faizul..
dah setaun jugak tk jumpa...

ada la jugak merancang nak wat part time...
sakit btl rasa bila xd duit neh..huhu...
tp tgk la kalo rajin..ngeh2..


Sunday, December 6, 2009

disini tamat nya hikayat...

pejam celik pejam celik.....
dah sampai waktunya untuk ak berangkat terus dari utp yg pernah suatu ketika dulu menjadi kebanggaan masa mula2 dpt offer letter dulu...

sedar tak sedar....
usia dah pon meningkat lagi 5 taun
dan gelaran sebagai pelajar pon dah tamat kat sini....
insyaallah kalo ada semangat lg akan smbung belajar...
tp tu last choice..ngeh2...

habis je presentation and balik raya arituh...
keadaan kat utp nih sgt la membosankan...
langsung xd aktiviti dan cerita yg menarik untuk ditonton...
tgk dancemat pon tak lalu nak melompat2....
padahal mlm exam pon beria2 men smpi pegi dewan exam pon mcm orang capik...

ari kamis arituh....
sv dah siap sign report..fuh lega btol....
dapat pulak sv yg baik hati lagi pemurah...
mmg berbunga2 la rasa ati....
tambah lg dengan markah2 present n report yg dah tau brape markahnye....
lg la lapang je rasa kepala otak nih...
maka...dengan berbesar ati nye...
ak n member se'SV' (beng) wat keputusan nak kasik adiah kat sv kitorg yg baek tuh....

di akhir ak nih ade la ckp..keep in touch...
mula2 xd la rasa apa...
tp masa kitorg kasik adiah n ckp mungkin tak jmp lg dah pasni...
terasa lak cam sedih....
sekali sv ak ckp akan jmp lg dihari perkahwinan kitorg...
huh...terharu btl rasanya....
punye lah baek....tak sampai ati lak nak tinggalkan dia kat sini...cewah~
terima kasih yg tak terhingga untuk Prof. Dr. Vijay R. Raghavan...
jasamu dikenang...

ok cukup dengan cerita sv ak...
selesai je anta report untuk dihardbound,
terasa mcm terlepas satu beban yg sgt berat....
nafas cam lancar jek....

menyedari yg ari2 kat perak nih da tak lame...
ak pon plan2 nak jalan2 mane2 tmpt yg blom pegi lg...
walaupon xd la byk sgt....sebab sumenye dah penah pegi...
tp tetap nak berjalan2 jugak...

so semalam....repeat cameron skali lg....selepas beberapa bulan tak pegi,
n arini pegi gua tempurung...
walaupon xdpt masuk sebab pegi da lewat petang...dpt tgk pintu gua pon jadik laa...
at least xd la jakun sgt kalo org tny kan....
lepas tuh...pegi golek bola untuk jatuh kan pin2 kat greentown....
kali nih owner tuh tak bukak pulak lampu disko..
aish....rosak program...hohoh

masuk je pagar utp td...
sayu plak rasa....
esok kali terakhir akan tgk utp ni b4 convo...
dalam kutuk2....rasa sayang tuh tetap ada...
tempat ak membesar dan menjadi dewasa...
tempat yg byk mengajar ak untuk jadi manusia yg berguna....
semoga ilmu yg ak pelajari kat sini...
akan bg manfaat pada ak dan jugak orang laen...

yg paling sedih...nak tinggalkan kawan2 yg dah 5 taun kenal...
entah bila la kita dpt jumpa lg....
semoga hubungan kita nih akan kekal hingga akhir hayat....
dah senang nnt jgn lupe pada kawan2 lame ni yee...

ak doakan semoga korang sume akan berjaya dalam apa jua kerja or bidang yg korang buat...
panjang umo n murah rezeki kita jumpa lagi...
ak jugak nak mintak maaf kalo ade salah silap, terlanjur kata, terkasar bahasa,
dan halal kan makan minum yg mana termakan, terambil dan sebagainye....
gud luck n all the best to all...
take care n keep in touch!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Ape ni?

ape ni?

kalo dibaca sekali lalu mmg tak bwk ape2 makne...
even berkali2 lalu pon..still tak bwk ape2 tu untuk orang laen....

pada ak....maksud dan maknenye tersgtlah byk....
mungkin ak yg terlebih pikir or mungkin jugak terkurang pikir....

ape ni? ape ni....

terngiang2 dlm kepala otak ak nih mcm bunyi berdengung yg susah gile nak hilang....
sepanjang masa setiap kali igt dan setiap kali tu jugak rasa mcm...
mcm ape tah...ak pon tak donat mak ak bli kot....
ada manis ngan pedas2 sket sebab da tercampur ngan kuih laen...

ape ni?

selaen maksudnya yg bertanyakan sesuatu...
pada ak....pertanyaan ni jugak membawa maksud benci
dan bole jadi muak...
bole jadi jugak meluat dan fed up...
menyampah pon bole jugak kalo nak letak skali...
tp kalo difikir secara positifnye mungkin bermaksud keliru....
ntah la...
tp hati ak lebih kepada yg negatifnya....

dan disebabkan tu....ak wat keputusan untuk berdiam diri....
sampai bila? entah la...
mungkin selama2nya...
dan hal2 lepas tu akan terus terkubur jadi sejarah....
yg ak rasa mmg takkan berulang....

walaupun perit..walaupun setiap hari ak menanti...
walaupun setiap hari ak tercari2....
tetap xd jawapan yg pasti...

mungkin jugak....ak harus berhenti dari terus ternanti-nanti...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

diam sudah!

manusia nih ada macam2 jenis....ada yg mulut manis, masam, masin, yg busuk tuh tak leh blah...
tp apa2 pon...yg mulut terlebih manis nih yg buat ak jadi benci...

cakap kencang macam angin habuk pn tak de yg terbang...mcm s***

bila ak suka ko tak bermakna ak takleh benci ko...
so stop ckp sweet2 ngan ak...
makin menyampah lak ak...

makin lama perasaan suka tuh makin ilang...
so jgn wat smpi ak benci nak pandang muka ko...
pk dulu sebelom ckp...
jgn main lepas je mcm ko nak kentut..

cakap tak srupa bikin! harkkk! harkkk! tuihhhh

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

i'm a sleep walker??

this post is not about sleep walking....
but it's about me waking up at so-called eaaaarrrrllllyyyyy in the morning.

after maghrib,
i started to study OM a bit here n there..and around 11++ my as* cant stand the pressure of sitting anymore...wahaha

1st planning of juz laying down at my bed for a while (for a while ok...not forever..covered by kain batik from head to toe) and with the forecast of waking up again to continue study. But then, i fall asleep...deeeeeppppp sleep till suddenly i woke up.

recklessly finding my handfon and

eh...5.30 a.m alredi?? I was so shocked!!

Then my eyes caught sumthing at my roommate’s bed... she’s not there..

it is kind of impossible to see the bed empty at this kind of time..

1st assumption

dayah ni g mane...sakit perut ke?

Suddenly she came in, taking her glasses n out again, my brain started to make another assumption based on the examination of situation (eceh).

Ehh...g ber*k pon pakai spec? Stadi ngan shidah kot.

Ish...orang sibuk stadi...ak tido je...

Then, she came in again, this time taking out green-plastic-drinking-glass with her.

Aikkk....(cant make any assumption)

With a heart full of worried for juz sleeping instead of studying, i woke up and straight away checking my gtalk...

Wahhhh...still so many frens online...

How come, its 5.30 in the morning...(kind of feel guilty for myself for not studying while my frens staying n working so hard to prepare for the exam)

Tettt teennettt!!

My eyes caught the pc’s clock...1.59 am.

Hehhh?? Is there sumthing wrong with my eyes?? Or the clock is not working??

It cant be the clock!!

Checking my handfon back and found out that

It’s the woke-up-blurr-disorder which makes me half insane. Thinking ridiculously and even makes such fool assumptions of my roommate.

It’s actually not the hp clock that shows 5.30. It’s my calendar event that shows the exam time which is at 2.30 to 5.30.

chaos for awhile in my head....


pepatah lalat : dayah sebenarnye kat dapur nak mengkedarah. takleh tido sebab lapo..ciss

do u find this post useful? deng!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

lalat waktu malam

apsal lately nih cam takde bende menarik je yang berlaku...

bangun tido ngadap mie...makan ngadap mie...sebelom tido ngadap mie gak...

tak paham tol...

mie...ape yg ko dah ilmu kan ak nih??
gune2 ke?

ooooo entah2 kejadian yg gelas pecah kat mamak gajah perdana tuh...
ko yg anta santau ek??

ish..jahatnye...suke sgt ke ko kat ak..
ari2 ak igt ko je...
kuar pon igt ko...
nak tido malam pon tak smpi ati nak tgl ko...

arghhhhhhh..ape ko dah wat ni mie???????

ak dah

pepatah lalat : mie dlm crita di atas hanya lah pc-akuarium-ikan-mati ak...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

mencari nur~

(note: yg font putih adalah tambahan hint yg br di update...kredit untuk sumber2)

memandangkan kali ini last final exam...
maka sume orang sibuk mencari hint2 untuk final paper..(padahal b4 nih pon cari gak)

so...kat sini ak nak kongsi hint2 yg sempat ak tangkap....

sape2 yg tak amik subjek same ngan ak tuh...mintak mahap le yew...
kome cari le sendiri....tidok lew teman kuase nok mencarinyee....

Facilities Engineering, Transportation n Storage!!
hint2 nya adalah~~

- feasibility study
- development concept
-risk n reliability
-gas n water injection
-oil n gas terminal
-related equipment

Refrigeration n Air-conditioning
hint2 berikut adalah seperti yg diberitahu oleh ir.shaharin

part Pak Chalil :
soklan 1 n 2
- lots of calculations
- sketching

part ir.shaharin
soklan 3,4 n 5
- few calculations
- lot of writing

1) overview
2) psychrometry
- air properties
- chart
3) comfort
4) cooling load
- no calculations
5) air- cond system
- duct design --> equal friction
--> static region --- yg nih tak masuk
- VAV system
6) piping
- hydronic piping system(tak sure masuk ke tak.. ade yg kate tak masuk! tp dia ada ckp pasal direct n reverase return tu kne tau ak rasa...better stadi gak part nih)
- pipe design
- closed loop

Engineers In Society
hint nih untuk soklan essay sahaja....for objectives, dr.faris kata kalo stadi 200 lebih soklan obj yg lepas2 tuh...kompom!!! leh dpt 40/40..
so, sape2 yg ade soklan2 obj lepas tuh...share2 la ye...

ni antara yg sempat ak salin...sape yg ade nak tmbh tu...sile lah..

- Malaysia engineers act 1967
- role of IEM
- engineers act and electric act (what shud be done if sumthing happened--lebih kurang cani la dia ckp)
- life cycle phase --> gantt chart
- quality --> 6sigma, pareto, quality function (QFD)
-WBS (work breakdown structure)

Operation Management
dari sumber2 yg rajin g klas...( ak copy paste jek)

Dr.amin nye part

-obj func, constraints, decision variable, cam test

-forecasting tu tgk la part jap

-exponential smoothing tp x sure la kalau die nk bg takut cam susah

-camane nk kire mean, avg mcm assignmet

-kire parallel series

-maintenace prevention n maintanace bdown

ape beza

focus more on assignment

-location 3 mende yg ade dlm chapter tu

cam factor rating,etc

-process strategies

-stadi charateristic

-advantages n disadvantages


inventory x masuk
tp TQM masuk

untuk OM nih...ada lagi tambahan hint nye...bole refer di sini
pepatah lalat : kalo dicompare dua2 hint om nih...lebih kurang je sebenarnye...cume part inventory tuh jek yg tak pasti masuk ke sebagai langkah berjaga2 stadi je la....

sekian...mari setadi!!
gud luck sume untuk final paper masing2...

Friday, November 6, 2009

curi Makanan ayam

ahah!! arini terasa nak makan nasi ayam....
maka dengan pantas terus meluru ke ipoh bersama rumet tanpa menghiraukan situasi beliau yg akan menghadapi test drilling esok hari...

test test jugak...takkan esoknye pasal arini tak makan kot...
rumet setuju untuk ikut serta setelah menganalisa setiap pelosok kemungkinan dan baik buruk keputusan...
atas alasan skema tak bertempat beliau....
beliau menjoin dua kaki sambil menyendeng nota2 drilling dengan niat kununnye nak stadi sambil makan..(kunun multitasking)

pejam celik dan pejam lagi kemudian celik 15 minit kemudian akhirnya tiba di tempat yg dituju
yeah!!! nasi ayam hainam ipoh!!

lihat2~~ dari luar kedai aje dah nmpk mcm lazat...kan kan kan??
apa lagi tunggu......serbuuuu!!

sebaik duduk dan mengorder ape2 yg patut, pelayan restoran tersebut (trasa mcm mengarang upsr dulu) segera menghidangkan................. pembuka selera kot...

tak lama kemudian tiba pula penghilang dahaga dikala...........tengah dahaga la...

ishhh....lmbt pulak nak sampai pengenyang perut nih....perut buncit ni lak asik tendang2 dinding je...
ish! tak saba betol...

owh owh...toink! muncul mangkuk2 ni atas meja... ke mana tuh??? siot tol mangkuk2 nih...dia nak lari lak....(siyes..mangkuk2 tu bergerak2 sendiri atas meja)

setelah berjaya menawan kembali mangkuk2 sup tuh....nasi tiba dengan rela hati untuk dikorbankan...

dan ini dia~~ lauknya~~ mestila ayam...dah nama pon nasi ayam...
skali dia bg kepala kambing...mau terkojot ekau....

sedap wohhhhh~~ menjilat jari ....(tipu je neh...pakai sudu cemane lak smpi nak jilat jari...kira jilat sudu laaa)

bila dah kenyang tuh ape lagi....blah la....takkan nak tido lak kat kedai tuh...
igt bapak ekau ponyo kodai ko??

sekian...cerita nasi ayam...hohoho

err...situasi sebenar berlaku di

restoran fuziah nasi ayam bazar bulat~~

bertentangan dengan nasi ayam hainam tu....huhu
ish...takkan la ak nak g mkn kdai hainam tu pulak...ish2...

p/s : tak dapat dikorek rahsia kenapa bazar bulat....sungguh kedekut abg pelayan tuh! huh

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

i'm losing my frens???

woke up this morning...

i straightly 'approach' my forever-love-pc and suddenly my eyes caught sumthin..
my gtalk status..."16 days to go!!"

my heart suddenly feels warm...
in the happiness of graduating...i can feel the sadness more...
reading thru my frens blog...i feel like the time is running so fast...n i will lose them soon...

i kind of afraid...that i might not see them again....
all memories that i've gone thru during and after high school make me more scared...

i really hope that i'd left sumthin that can make my frens remind of me...
sumthing which will make them happy..n missing all those days of us...
n i know...i will always do...

this sem will end soon...
and i hope, it will not end our frenship...
5 years being together are not a short time...
n i wanna apologize if i had done anything that might hurt u...
plss...dont let my stupid-mistake or wrong doing to u ruin our frenship...
coz i really3 love u.....

Thursday, October 29, 2009

F*** Your Pet???

ish2....apelaaa nak jadi...
otak kotor masing2...

Final Year Project laaa....

arini dengan lemah nye meneruskan perjuangan menyiapkan fyp yg tgl nyawa2 ikan je lg
untuk dipersembahkan.

dalam hati ada banyak gundah gulana...
tapi mata ada tgk cerita juga~

sambil2 tangan yang gatal neh mengklik sana sini..
sempat jgk ak siap kan calculation untuk fyp..
sungguh penat otak ini diperah2..
smpi kering tak perlu masuk dryer lg dah...

nak tau ape yg kuar hasil perahan santan otak tersebut??

sungguh berterima kasih kepada encik excel kerana telah byk berjasa..
kalo lah encik excel tidak hadir dalam diri ini...
maka sungguh la kecewa kerana dengan yakin nya sudah pasti
otak yg kering ini terus hancur berdarah menyelesaikan persamaan2 yg panjang berjela2 itu..

-post bahasa melayu cmpur ini khas untuk encik excel yg dikasihi.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Shut Up ur MOUTH!!

to those people who r outside of mylife..
dont u dare to talk about me AT ALL!!!
since i dont give a damn about ur own life!

n u know nothing about me at all...
so juz


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

have u ever wonder?? our skin is look like? do you know the fact about skin?
i guess few wud say..owh..i already learned about skin during high school... tell me..
what??? yeah..i do expect that answer...
didnt remember about it anymore...rite??

now! all engineers-to-be...
let's become a doctor today ok??

here's the fact :
1) the amount of skin jacketing an average human adult is actually 2 square meters

2) epidermis is a tough coating formed from overlapping layers of dead skin cells which continually slough off and are replaced with cells from the living layers beneath.

3) freckles are actually deposits of melanin that develop on the skin especially after sun exposure.

4)Surgeons once grafted pigskin onto burn wounds as a temporary bandage. These days they use human skin tissue taken from another part of the body or skin substitutes engineered from synthetics or other materials such as cow collagen or shark cartilage

5) Beyond providing armor, insulation, and air-conditioning, skin has long served as a canvas for cultural expression

A man stands silhouetted behind 21 square feet (2 square meters) of skin substitute which close burn wounds until new skin grows in

scanning electron micrograph of epidermis

this what freckles is
skin tissue

a woman in Srinagar, Kashmir, displays her henna-painted hands, illustrating one of skin's greatest roles: human canvas for the artistic and the spiritual.

imagine urself without skin....
how wud it be like?

ayam bogel tanpa kulit!!!
KFC~ idaman ku selaloooooooo

credit: nationalgeographic

Monday, October 26, 2009

young younger youngest??

tik tok tik tok..

i'm waiting for my SV's call since he sms me at 6.38a.m!! toink!! juz to say that he want to meet me today..

got headache already preparing the stuff to show him...
what stuff?? fyp things laaa..what else..~ aigooo (lu mau wa sekeh lu punya kapala kaa?)

while going tru older folder in my aquarium-with-deadfish-pc i found a quite long age pictures
of me n family while we were havinga vacation(WOW!) at langkawi..

this is my family

look at me..still fresh n noob..aishh..missing the face..without acne n pimples...aishh...

me n my lovely teacher-to-be sister...

older n younger sis, cousin n little brother....

missing them so much... although i juz met them last week..ngaa..
dont know how when i work at brunei later...

kind of emo...
no lalalaaa then...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

round round about

its 3.58 a.m

i'd juz came back from penang....'s crazy man!! with such a "kontena" of work load...
me n my 4years roommate still got "a lot of" time to go round2 penang...

we didnt plan to go there actually,
it started with juz going out to find sumthing to eat since we didnt got anything goin into our stomach from da morning,

while we in da car,

me : dayah, kita nak g penang nih..
dayah : tipu ahh...
me : ....

then we pass tru jelapang tol going to penang,
me : dayah, kita nak g penang nih...tak caye lg?
dayah : tipuuuu ahhhh...korang nak g jj kan??
me : hahahah...jj? tu belakang sane laaa...
dayah : ....

then we go tru the terowong,

me : haa...tgk...da masuk terowong pon...
dayah : heihhh! korang betul ke nih?? g penang??
me : yela...tak caya lg??ko kan tak penah g ak nak bawak la nih..
dayah : (smizing only)

at RnR gunung semanggol,

dayah : wahhh...btl2 nak g penang tak caye je kalo mak ak tipon nih..mesti dia terkejut (btw, her mom will call her everyday, at least a time..shhhhh n she is already 22..)
me : haha...mesti mak ko tak caye nih...kecoh abeh ar..
dayah : excited a bit..

i'm so lazy to type..
go for pictures lah... the ferry excited she is...(firstimer..haha)

the best steak in bt feringghi

we at the bulatan Queensbay...

sleepy olredi...see my eyes?? oh God..

sorry for the blurry picture, only got phone camera lor...
alrite then...
stop ere...
what? not a full story??
my blog~ who cares~...lalalaaa

Saturday, October 24, 2009

begin a new beginning in a life of onleemie

it's october,
one more month before i completed my bachelor degree..
n guess what? i already counting the days until the last day of my final exam...
it's not a surprise rite? i bet who ever been in my shoes also do the same thing.
having graduation in mind makes me excited..
... of coz i'm excited... where the hell in this world the graduating student are not excited..
show me one n i'll give u a thousand..hahaha...(i'll juz wrote one thousand only in a piece of paper..)

yeah..bla bla bla...
i know no body wants to know bout that...
krushh krushhh(squeezing the paper)...shhhh juz assume i wrote everything above in a diary book... blog! who cares~~

orait! orait!back to the topic!(no topic actually)
i decided to make this month as a new beginning for me,
i'm graduating,
and it's a new beginning for....(i'm not gonna tell you now),
i already got a job...(i'll tell u later bout this)....yeah~ i know, i still didn't finished my study yet.
but i guess, it's my luck or maybe it's best if i put it in this way..

kalo dah rezeki~~

end here..

(that's all????)
my blog....who cares~~ hahaha